If you are having issues connecting your device, please follow the troubleshooting steps below:
1. Power On: Plug UltraXTend into a power outlet near your router.
2. Connect to Network: On your laptop or smartphone, connect to the network “PIX-LINK-2.4G”. The default password is “12345678”.
3. Access Web Interface: Open a web browser and go to . Log in using the password “admin”.
5. Select Repeater Mode: In the web interface, click on “Repeater Mode”. The system will automatically scan for nearby wireless networks.
6. Choose Master Router SSID: Select the SSID of your main router from the list.
7. Enter Router Password: Input the password of your master router as the security key.
8. Confirm Connection: Once entered, the LED light on UltraXTend should turn solid, indicating a successful connection.